I always wanted to be a mother, a nurturing soul at heart, I grew up taking care of others before taking care of myself. This is our story of love and loss.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Madelyn and Olivia,

I haven't written in awhile, but that doesn't mean I don't think of you everyday. Things have been crazy lately. Aunt Elaine is getting married this weekend and I had a dream about it. In my dream, Daddy was walking down the aisle at the entrance of the wedding and he was carrying you girls in the most beautiful white dresses. It made me so sad at first, but then someone made me realize that you came to me in my dream not to make me sad but to show me that you girls would be watching over us on Aunt Elaine's special day. I wish you could be here to experience it though. When Aunt Elaine was planning her wedding at the beginning of the year, we had so many plans for the two of you and what you would be wearing and how cute you would look and now her wedding day is here and you are not. I know that you will be there in spirit though, with your Aunt Grace.

Daddy and I are pregnant again. We are going to have your baby sister next year. We also just found out that your Aunt Jen is pregnant too with a baby boy! We can't be happier for your Aunt Jen and Uncle Matt. They have been waiting a long time for another baby. I'm glad that your baby sister will have a baby cousin to play with, just like you girls have each other to play with forever.

Daddy and I love you lots and miss you everyday. Be good baby girls.
